Spend 'Til the End: Raising Your Living Standard in Today's Economy and When You Retire
Spend 'Til the End: Raising Your Living Standard in Today's Economy and When You Retire
• Financial planning is more important than ever: The recession has demonstrated that lifetime financial planning is essential if we are going to survive and overcome the shocks and bruises that the economy brings..
• Takes on the financial-planning establishment: Economist Laurence J. Kotlikoff and syndicated financial columnist Scott Burns criticize major financial institutions such as Fidelity, Vanguard, and other mutual funds and insurers for offering what they call “rules of dumb,” financial planning information that is inadequate for most people’s needs..
• Unconventional, economics-based advice: You might be better off waiting until age seventy to take Social Security; you may be overestimating the tax benefits of your mortgage; you might be scrimping, saving, and struggling to fund your retirement when you could be spending and enjoying your money..